Page 62 - Niên giám 2021
P. 62

Sex ratio of the    =     Total of males   × 100
                             population            Total of females

                 Crude birth rate: The indicator measures the fertility of the population,
           is one of the two components of natural population increase. High or low value
           of  crude  birth  rate  can  affect  the  size,  structure  and  population  growth  rate.
           Crude birth rate indicates that for every 1000 people, how many live births are
           in the reference period.

                                         CBR  =  B  1000

                 CBR: Crude birth rate;

                 B: Total live births in the reference period;

                 P: Population up to the reference time-point.

                 Total fertility rate (TFR) reflects the average number of live births that
           would be born per woman (or a group of women) during the childbirth period
           if the woman (or a group of women) passes age-specific fertility rates observed
           in a given reference period during the reproductive period (aged 15 to 49).

                 In case the specific fertility rates are calculated by age groups (age-interval
           of each group is 5 years) then index “i” expresses 7 age groups, including: 15-
           19,  20-24,  25-29,  30-34,  35-39,  40-44  and  45-49.  Total  fertility  rate  is
           calculated by the following formular:

                                                 7  B
                                      TFR =  5     i   1000
                                                i= 1 W i


                 TFR: Total fertility rate;
                 Bi: Number of live births in the reference period of women in the age group (i);

                 i: i  age group;
                 Wi: Number of women of the i  age group up to the reference time-point.

   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67