Page 30 - Niên giám 2021
P. 30


                 Binh  Dinh  is  one  of  the  provinces  in  the  South  Central  Coastal  areas,
           located in the Central Key Economic Zone. Binh Dinh currently has 11 district-
           level administrative units, including 1 city, 2 towns  and 8 districts. There are
           159  commune-level  administrative  units,  including  32  wards,  11  townships
           and 116 communes.
                  Binh  Dinh  is  considered  as  a  very  important  strategic  position  in  the
           socio-economic development of the Central Key Economic Zone, which is one
           of  the  gateways  to  the  sea  of  the  Central  Highlands  provinces  and  Laos
           southern region, Cambodia northeastern region and Thailand.
                  As  of  December  31,  2021,  the  natural  area  in  the  province  reached
           606,640 hectares. Of which, agricultural land is 141,120 hectares, accounting
           for  23.26%,  down  0.08%  over  the  same  period  in  2020;  forestry  land  is
           376,421  hectares,  accounting  for  62.05%,  down  0.03%;  specialized  land  is
           37,942 hectares, accounting for 6.26%, up 0.12% and residential land 10,506
           hectares, accounting for 1.73%, up 0.02%.
                  Binh  Dinh  has  2  distinct  seasons  (rainy  season  and  dry  season).  In
           particular,  the  long  dry  season  and  the  concentrated  rainy  season  in  a  few
           months  have  caused  the  land  to  be  eroded,  washed  away,  alluvial,  which
           affected production and people's lives, especially in rural areas. According to
           statistics, the average air temperature in 2021 at Quy Nhon monitoring station
           reached  27.3 C;  the  number  of  sunshine  hours  was  2,417  hours;  the  rainfall
           was 2,358.6 Mm; the air humidity was 79%.

                 Binh Dinh is located in the system of Truong Son Nam Range, with a
           rather complicated structure, many rivers and streams; inclined from West to
           East. The geological structure, topography and climate make Binh Dinh have
           fertile fields, diversified in agricultural, forestry and fishery products, etc., with
           many mineral resources and potentials in renewable energy such as wind and
           solar power although it does not have a large plain.

           1   On  April  22,  2020,  the  National  Assembly  Standing  Committee  issued  Resolution  No.
             932/NQ-UBTVQH14  on  the  establishment  of  Hoai  Nhon  town  and  wards  of  Hoai  Nhon
             town  on  the  basis  of  the  entire  natural  area  and  population  size  of  Hoai  Nhon  district.
             Accordingly,  Hoai  Nhon  town  has  17  commune-level  administrative  units,  including  11
             wards and 06 communes.
           2   On  January  12,  2021,  the  National  Assembly  Standing  Committee  issued  Resolution  No.
             1188/NQ-UBTVQH14 on the establishment of Cat Tien town in Phu Cat district, Binh Dinh

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