Page 15 - Niên giám 2021
P. 15


                                 IN BINH DINH IN 2021

                 In  2021,  the  fourth  wave  of  Covid-19  pandemic  seriously  affected  the
           socio-economic  development  of  the  province,  the  production  and  business
           activities, and people’s life. Specifically:
                 -  Agricultural  production  faced  many  difficulties  due  to  disruption  of
           supply and consumption chains; prices of many agricultural, forestry and fishery
           products  decreased,  consumption  was  slow,  prices  of  input  materials  for
           production increased; livestock diseases caused losses to farmers.

                 - The production, business and consumption of products of a part of the
           enterprise  faced  difficulties.  Some  key  industrial  production  activities  of  the
           province  significantly  reduced  their  output.  Investment  attraction,  especially
           foreign investment, faced many difficulties. Some projects have registered for
           investment but implementation was delayed or behind the committed schedule.

                 - Trade and service activities; passenger and freight transportation, tourism,
           accommodation and food services faced many difficulties, the number of tourists
           to the province decreased sharply.
                 -  Educational,  cultural,  sport,  labor,  and  employment…  activities  were
           adversely  affected  by  the  Covid-19  pandemic,  seriously  influencing  people’s
           lives, activities and income.

                 Along with the drastic implementation of measures to prevent and control
           the Covid-19 pandemic, the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial People’s
           Council and the Provincial People’s Committee oriented, directed and managed
           all  level  authorities  and  branches  to  overcome  difficulties,  promote  favorable
           conditions,  and  deploy  synchronously,  flexibly  and  effectively  guidelines  and
           policies in response to the Covid-19 pandemic in the “new normal state”. The
           positive  results  in  the  implementation  of  key  indicators  on  socio-economic
           development of the province were as follows:

                 1. Economic growth
                 The gross regional domestic products (GRDP) in 2021 (at 2010 constant
           prices) was estimated at 51,629.8 billion VND, an increase of 4.11% compared
           to  that  in  2020.  Of  which,  the  agricultural,  forestry  and  fishery  sector  was
           estimated  at  14,061.0  billion  VND,  a  rise  of  2.95%;  the  industry  and

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