Page 17 - Niên giám 2021
P. 17

The GRDP at current prices was estimated at 95,311.4 billion VND. Of
           which,  the  agriculture,  forestry  and  fishery  sector  was  estimated  at  27,970.1
           billion  VND,  accounting  for  29.3%  (the  corresponding  figure  in  the  same
           period  last  year  was  29,5%);  the  industry  and  construction  sector  was
           estimated at 28,258.2 billion VND, accounting for 29.6% (the corresponding
           figure  in  the  same  period  last  year  was  28,3%);  of  which  the  industrial
           activities alone were estimated at 19,942.9 billion VND, accouting for 20.9%
           (the  corresponding  was  20%)  the  service  sector  was  estimated  at  34,791.4
           billion  VND,  accounting  for  36.5%  (the  corresponding  figure  in  the  same
           period  last  year  was  37,7%);  the  taxes  less  subsidies  on  products  reached
           4,291.7  billion  VND,  accounting  for  4.6%  (the  corresponding  figure  in  the
           same period last year was 4,5%).

                 2. State budget and insurance
                 The  total  state  budget  balancing  revenue  in  the  province  in  2021  was
           estimated at 20,728.9 billion VND, a rise of 8.1% compared to that in 2020.
           The total state budget balancing expenditure in 2021 was estimated at 35,164
           billion VND, a fall of 17.9% compared to the figure in 2020.
                 The  total  insurance  revenue  in  2021  accomplished  3,234  billion  VND,  a
           spread of 2.4% compared to that in 2020, of which: the social insurance revenue
           reached 1,791 billion VND; the health insurance revenue was 1,331 billion VND;
           the  unemployment  insurance  revenue  attained  112  billion  VND.  The  total
           insurance expenditure in 2021 reached 3,390 billion VND, a downturn of 4.4%
           compared to that in 2020, of which: the social insurance expenditure was VND
           2,289  billion;  the  health  insurance  expenditure  reached  727  billion  VND;  the
           unemployment insurance expenditure made 374 billion VND.
                 In  the  implementation  of  Resolution  116/NQ-CP  dated  24  September
           2021 on supporting workers and employers affected by the Covid-19 pandemic
           from the unemployment insurance fund, in 2021 Binh Dinh Social Insurance
           paid for 99,720 persons.
                 3.  Investment

                 In  2021,  Binh  Dinh  implemented  the  dual  goals  of  “both  economic
           development and effective prevention and control of the Covid-19 pandemic”,
           so  the  situation  of  deploying  investment  capital  in  the  province  witnessed
           steady  growth  over  the  same  period  last  year.  The  total  development
           investment in the province in 2021 (at current prices) reached 42,366 billion
           VND,  an  increase  of  10.4%  compared  to  that  in  2020,  including  the  state-

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