Page 21 - Niên giám 2021
P. 21

proportion of poverty households identified by multi-dimensional poverty was
           3.6%, a year-on-year reduction of 0.5 percentage points.

                 Social order and safety
                 In 2021, there were 97 traffic accidents from less serious to more in the
           province, caused 100 deaths and 41 injuries. Compared to the figures of 2020,
           the number of traffic accidents in 2021 declined by 20.5% (down 25 cases);
           number of death declined by 21.3% (down 27 persons), number of wounded
           increased by 64% (up 16 persons).
                 In 2021, there were 86 incidents of fire and explosion across the province
           with  an  estimated  value  of  loss  of  81.4  billion  VND.  In  comparison  to  the
           figures of 2020, the number of fire and explosion incidents increased by 17.8%
           (up 13 incidents), value of loss was 81,426 million VND, decreased by 24.3%
           (down 26.2 billion VND).

                 Disaster-induced losses
                 In 2021, according to preliminary data, natural disasters left 4 deaths and
           missing,  5  wounded;  19  houses  completely  collapsed,  swept  away;  35,582
           houses were inundated, hit-landslides, roof rip-off; 2,814 hectares of rice, 757
           hectares  of  arable  crops  damaged.  Total  value  of  loss  caused  by  natural
           disasters in 2021 was estimated at 360.8 billion VND.
                 In summary, in 2021, amid complicated evolution of Covid-19 pandemic
           in  the  world  and  in  other  provinces/cities  in  Viet  Nam  and  the  high  risk  of
           pandemic  spreading,  the  socio-economic  situation  of  Binh  Dinh  province  in
           2021 maintained its stability and achieved positive results thanks to the timely
           and decisive direction and management of the Provincial Party Committee, the
           Provincial  People's  Committee  and  the  efforts  of  all  stakeholders  and
           businesses community, and people in the province. Given the efforts to realize
           the "dual goals" of preventing and controlling the pandemic while maintaining
           socio-economic development, the Binh Dinh provincial economic growth rate
           in 2021 reached 4.11%, higher than the  figure of 3.45% in 2020.

                 Heading  forward  to  successfully  reaching  the  targets  set  in  the  Socio-
           Economic  Development  Plan  in  2022,  the  authority  of  Binh  Dinh  province
           focused on implementing the following issues:

                 -  Focusing  on  disbursing  public  investment.  The  authority  closely
           monitored  and  accelerated  the  project  progress,  especially  key  projects  on
           traffic, irrigation, education, health care, culture and public welfare, etc.

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