Page 22 - Niên giám 2021
P. 22

- The authority tightened monitoring the business situation of enterprises
           in  the  province  and  promptly  provided  support  to  sort  out  its  problems  for
           enterprises to recover, maintain and develop production and business, promote
           circulation and exchange of goods and services, keep production and supply
           chains out of disruption in association with prevention and control of Covid-19.
           The authority facilitated the businesses to access the State's relief packages on
           tax exemption, reduction, tax deferment, fees, land rent, opportunity to access
           loan capital, interest rate reduction, debt rescheduling, etc.
                 - Focusing on attracting investment and the priority was given to projects
           in important fields.

                 -  Implementing  synchronously  and  effectively  the  national  target
           programs  on  new  rural  development;  sustainable  poverty  alleviation;  socio-
           economic  development  in  ethnic  minority  and  mountainous  areas  in  the
           province  in  accordance  with  the  guidelines  and  policies  of  the  Central
           Government and the provincial authority, in order to improve the income and
           life  of  people  in  the  rural  areas,  mountainous  areas,  ethnic  minority  areas,
           extremely disadvantaged communes, narrow the socio-economic development
           gap between the rural and urban areas, between the mountainous and lowland
           areas in the province.

                 -  Maintaining  to  implement  Covid-19  control  measures  following  the
           direction of the Politburo, the Central Secretariat, the Government, the Prime
           Minister, the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial People's Committee,
           the Provincial Steering Committee on prevention and control of the Covid-19
           pandemic; tightening discipline, being without negligence and overconfidence,
           realizing  the  goal  of  developing  production  and  business,  creating  jobs,
           maintaining social security, social order and safety.
                 -  Closely  following  the  Government's  policy  on  transitioning  from  the
           goal of "zero Covid-19" to "safely adapting, flexibly and effectively controlling
           the  Covid-19  pandemic"  and  the  principle  of  "living  with  Covid-19"  to
           effectively  prevent  and  control  the pandemic, while restoring and promoting
           socio-economic development.

                 -  Strengthening  inspection,  reinforcement,  repair  in  timely  manner
           reservoirs, dykes, embankments, wharf and port infrastructure, traffic routes,
           key  locations  at  risk  of  landslides,  etc...  to  ensure  safety  of  people  and
           properties  in  the rainstorm season; timely providing  adequate food,  essential
           commodities for the people, no one left  being  hungry and cold; maintaining
           medical equipment to serve people in disaster areas./.

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