Page 116 - Niên giám 2021
P. 116

                                             IN 2021

                 1. National accounts

                 The gross regional domestic products (GRDP) in 2021 (at 2010 constant
           prices) was estimated at 51,629.8 billion VND, an increase of 4.11% compared
           to  that  in  2020.  Of  which,  the  agricultural,  forestry  and  fishery  sector  was
           estimated  at  14,061.0  billion  VND,  a  rise  of  2.95%;  the  industry  and
           construction  sector  was  estimated  at  15,371.5  billion  VND,  an  upturn  of
           8.49%, the industrial activities alone was estimated at 10,215.8 billion VND,
           an  expansion  of  10.4%;  the  service  sector  was  estimated  at  19,843.5  billion
           VND, a spread of 1.48%; the taxes less subsidies on products was estimated at
           2,353.8 billion VND, a build-up of 6.44%.

                 The GRDP at current prices was estimated at 95,311.4 billion VND. Of
           which,  the  agriculture,  forestry  and  fishery  sector  was  estimated  at  27,970.1
           billion VND, accounting for 29.3%; the industry and construction sector was
           estimated at  28,258.2 billion  VND, accounting for 29.6%;  the service sector
           was estimated at 34,791.4 billion VND, accounting for 36.5%; the taxes less
           subsidies on products reached 4,291.7 billion VND, accounting for 4.6% (the
           structure  of  economic  sectors  in  2020  was  29.5%;  28.3%;  37.7%;  4.5%,
                 The GRDP per capita in 2021 was estimated at  63.2 million VND per
           person,  an  increase  of  2.8  million  VND  per  person  (equivalent  to  a  rise  of
           +4.7%) compared to that in 2020.

                 In terms of USD, the GRDP per capita in 2021 was estimated at 2,749
           USD per person, an increase of 162 USD per person (equivalent to a growth of
           +6.3%) compared to that in 2020.

                 In  general,  Binh  Dinh’s  economy  in  2021  continued  to  maintain  its
           growth, ensuring the implementation of the “dual goals” of promoting socio-
           economic  development,  and  preventing,  controlling  effective  the  Covid-19
           pandemic. Production and business activities in all three sectors including the
           agriculture,  forestry  and  fishery  sector,  the  industry  and  construction  sector,
           and the service sector showed expansion; the state budget revenues and export

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