Page 148 - Niên giám 2021
P. 148


                 The  total  development  investment  in  the  province  in  2021  (at  current
           prices) reached 42,366 billion VND, an increase of 10.4% compared to that in
           2020,  including  the  state-owned  sector’s  development  investment  reached
           14,434 billion VND, accounting for 34.1% of the total development investment
           and  decreasing  by  0.9%  compared  to  that  in  2020;  the  non-state  sector’s
           development investment attained 25,965 billion VND, accounting for 61.3% of
           the total  development  investment  and increasing by 19.6%;  the FDI sector’s
           development investment achieved 1,967 billion VND, accounting for 4.6% of
           the  total  development  investment  and  falling  7%.  The  ratio  of  realized
           investment to GRDP in 2021 was estimated at 44.5% which was 1.7 percentage
           points higher than that in 2020.
                 In  terms  of  investment  items  in  2021,  the  investment  outlays  reached
           28,711  billion  VND,  accounting  for  67.8%  of  the  realized  investment  and
           increasing by 11.5% compared to that in 2020; the fixed assets procurement
           capital for production attained 7,119 billion VND, accounting for 16.8% of the
           realized  investment  and  expanding  10.6%;  the  capital  for  fixed  assets  repair
           and  upgrading  achieved  2,686  billion  VND,  accounting  for  6.3%  of  the
           realized  investment  and  decreasing  by  10.6%;  the  supplement  for  working
           capital from owned capital was 2,898 billion VND, accounting for 6.8% of the
           realized  investment  and  increasing  by  33%;  the  other  investment  capital
           reached 952 billion VND, accounting for 2.3% of the realized investment and
           declining by 6%.

                 In 2021, there were 4 licensed projects, a reduction of 1 project; the total
           registered  capital  reached  80.3  million  USD,  an  upturn  of  522.5%  and  the
           implementation  capital  achieved  40.08  million  USD,  a  downturn  of  41.8%
           compared  to  that  in  2020.  By  the  end  of  2021,  the  total  valid  licensed  FDI
           projects was 86 projects, with the total registered capital of 1,091.7 million USD.

                 In  2021,  the  area  of  floors  of  residential  buildings  completed  reached
           3,031.4 thousand m , an increase of 5.4% compared to that in 2020. Of which,
           the area of floors of single detached houses completed accounted for 95.9%.
                 The area of floors of self-built houses completed of households in 2021
           reached 2,879.2 thousand m , an increase of 4.8% compared to that in 2020.

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